



  • The 3M Co., 1962
  • Klee, 1990
  • Avalon Hill, 1976
  • Kosmos, 1998
  • Schmidt, 1979


Twixt is a game for 2 players created by Alex Randolph.

Red plays first, then the two players move alternately by placing one peg at a time on the board. Pegs may be placed by a player in any empty peg hole except those in his/her opponent's border row.

When, after placing a peg, a player finds that he/she can link two or more of his/her pegs, the player may place one or more links between these pegs to make a barrier. Pegs may be linked only when the distance between them corresponds to the diagonal of a 6-holed rectangle. See the figure below.

A barrier cannot be crossed. No barrier exists where a player could have linked but did not—whether the omission was intentional or unintentional.

Before placing a peg, a player may carefully remove any pegs and links that he/she has previously placed on the board.

To win, a player must connect his/her borders with an uninterrupted chain of linked pegs. If neither player can complete such a barrier, the game is a draw.

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