- Gary Gabrel ~ Pente
- Werner Gabriel ~ Agadez
- David Gale ~ Bridg-It
- Thomas Gale ~ Citadel
- Manuel Garcia ~ Triangoes
- Martin Gardner ~ Hip
- Ken Garland ~ Connect (Contact)
- Emil Gatti ~ Schaska
- Dieter Gebhardt ~ Match the Edge
- H. J. Geesink ~ Forma
- John H. Geiger ~ Logi Quad
- Jean Georges ~ Patzam
- Max Gerchambeau ~ Take Five
- Harald Germer ~ Ayanu
- Catherine Gibaud ~ Derive (with Olivier Gibaud)
- Olivier Gibaud ~ Derive (with Catherine Gibaud
- Christian Gibon ~ Atrio
- Rick Gillespie ~ Doubles Chess (with Henry Rolling)
- Bernard Girette ~ Jeu des Boucles
- Wladyslaw Glinski ~ Hexagonal Chess
- Alberto Glisoni ~ Billo
- Adi Goland ~ Rolit
- Roland Goslar ~ Tom Tube (with Tobias Goslar)
- Tobias Goslar ~ Tom Tube (with Roland Goslar)
- Murray J. Gould ~ Pyramis (with James R. Longage)
- Rich Gowell ~ Entrapment
- Ethan C. Grant ~ B'jamn
- Bob Grawi ~ Chess in the Round
- Donald Green ~ Octi, Mouse Island
- Amanda Greenvoss ~ Phoenix (with Zach Greenvoss)
- Zach Greenvoss ~ Phoenix (with Amanda Greenvoss)
- Andrea Grieco ~ Konos (with G. Grieco & N. Roccasalva)
- Giovanni Grieco ~ Konos (with A. Grieco & N. Roccasalva)
- Sjaak Griffioen ~ Cityscape
- W. D. Groman ~ Hyperchess
- Wolfgang Grosskopf ~ Chamäleon
- Jürgen Grunau ~ Irono Ofubi

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