- Bertram Kaes ~ Top Star (with Virginia Charves)
- Len Kalich ~ Courtyard
- Karin Kasch ~ Viaduct
- Martin Kastenholz ~ Schwimmende Inseln
- Detlef Kessler ~ Giseh!
- Karry Kevill ~ Eye (with B. Barry and I. Luttring)
- Bernd Kienitz ~ Isolation
- Michael Kiesling ~ Torres (with Wolfgang Kramer)
- Scott Kim ~ Squares
- Helmut Kimpel ~ Constellation
- Clif King ~ 3 Man Chess
- Reuben Klamer ~ Smess (All The King's Men)
- Bernard Klein ~ Diam (with Alain Couchot)
- Martin Klinger ~ Obsession
- Reiner Knizia ~ Hong Kong, Mole Hill, Olix, Prisma, Catena, Complica
- Max J. Kobbert ~ Arkado, Master Labyrinth
- Gerhard Kodys ~ Malawi
- Stefan Kögl ~ Rumis
- Wolfgang Kramer ~ Torres (with Michael Kiesling)
- Robert A. Kraus ~ Neutron, Atoms
- Alan Kross-Vinson ~ Brace
- Tom Kruszewski ~ Chase
- Ekkehard Kunzell ~ Reservat

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