- Peter Pallat ~ Bumerang, Scalino
- Philippe des Pallières ~ Saigon (with Patrice Pillet)
- Michael Palm ~ Etoile
- Klaus Palme ~ Xenophon (with Tom Werneck)
- Wolfgang Panning ~ Kardinal
- Scott Pardee ~ Chebache
- George Parker ~ Chivalry
- David Parlett ~ Shoulder to Shoulder
- Alan Parr ~ Traffic Lights
- Thomas Parramore ~ Monolith
- H. P. Pauly ~ Schlitzohr
- Zoran Pavlovic ~ Zoki
- Bill Payne ~ Villa Paletti
- Elmer Pearson ~ Fourhanded Checkers
- Roman Pelek ~ Sakkara (with Claudia Hely)
- Robert Peeples ~ Kaos
- Paulo R. Peralta ~ Brincolor
- Ennio Peres ~ Colors
- Tom Person ~ Hex Nut (with Luke Weisman)
- Stephan-Alexander Peter ~ Mandua (with Christian Andreas Fritz)
- Michael Petty ~ The Two Pipers
- Charles B. Phillips ~ Fits (with Ronald Wiecek)
- Elizabeth M. Phillips ~ King's Men
- Wade Philpott ~ Leap (with Kate Jones)
- Jeff Pickering ~ Dao (with Ben van Buskirk)
- Patrice Pillet ~ Saigon (with Philippe des Pallières)
- William T. Powers ~ Trippples
- Tim Purkess ~ Bladder (with Dan Brittain)

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